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Elderly man receives harsh consequences for applying climate labels with 4711.

A previous Berlin police officer has been penalized 2,700 euros for utilizing perfume to dissuade climate change activists, also known as "4711 sharks," from a particular road. The district attorney's office had even pushed for a seven-month suspended jail term.

The scented water attack on September 18, 2023: The pensioner wanted to see a doctor, but then got...
The scented water attack on September 18, 2023: The pensioner wanted to see a doctor, but then got stuck in a traffic jam

Former law enforcer had an urgent medical consultation. - Elderly man receives harsh consequences for applying climate labels with 4711.

District court of Tiergarten. Retired police officer, Peter K. (71), living in Berlin-Marzahn, once handled patrols, protected embassies. Aging law enforcer now takes a seat at the defendant's bench, accused of inflicting grievous harm. Six-month minimum sentence in prison is the issue at stake.

September 18, 2023, Landsberger Allee in the Berlin district of Friedrichshain, early morning; rush hour is in full swing. "I had an 8 a.m. doctor's appointment at the hospital when these people swarmed onto the street in front of me," the defendant recounts.

He adds: "They traveled from Göttingen and Stuttgart to Berlin and messed everything up here! I stepped out of the car and yelled: That's not how it works! But they didn't care. So, I retrieved my old cologne bottle from the car. I usually use 4711 cologne, the Polish version, to stay fresh. Unfortunately, just a few sprays, and the bottle was empty."

Three protesters rubbed their eyes. Then they sat on the road regardless. Peter K. missed his medical appointment. Police arrived an hour later, and there's a video of the perfume attack.

Ex-policeman Peter K. (71) from Berlin in Tiergarten district court on Wednesday

In the courtroom, the retired officer says: "I sprayed perfume to awaken these individuals." He continues, "It was self-defense, and I exhibited civil courage! I was the only one who attempted to disperse them. Many others simply stood by."

The prosecutor replies: "Self-defense does not have boundless limits! I doubt it was a case of self-defense. This resembles vigilante justice."

The district judge rules Peter K. guilty of inflicting grievous harm in a lesser degree: 90 daily fines of 30 euros each, resulting in a 2700-euro fine. "You were compelled to stop - that's also a felony. However, your scented water spray was not an appropriate retaliation. Even though the outcome was not very severe. As a former police officer, you should know better."

A bottle of Eau de Cologne 4711

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