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Elderly man Horst, aged 80, stolen from vehicle as Mazda is taken.

The Hanseatic city's sky is clearing, enticing Horst Radke (80) to leave his couch for a drive in his cherished Bordeaux-red Mazda. However, his journey turns into a nightmare for the ex-building fitter: a vicious assault on an elderly man aged 80.

Horst Radke (80) sits on his sofa with injuries to his arms after the robbery
Horst Radke (80) sits on his sofa with injuries to his arms after the robbery

Severe theft occurs in a parking area. - Elderly man Horst, aged 80, stolen from vehicle as Mazda is taken.

Around 9:30 pm, the father and his grandfather left in his car from Norderstedt and drove to the city center of Hamburg.

"I wanted to see the hustle and bustle at the main station and have something to eat," said Radke. "Television shows were boring, anyways."

He parked his Mazda on Repsoldstraße near a famous drug club. At around 10:50 pm, when he came back to his Mazda and got in, this incident occurred: "A man opened the passenger door, forced his way into the car, attacked me, and tried to grab my wallet from my pants. He resembled a drug addict," he recalls.

The pensioner parked his car in the parking bay on the right-hand side of the road

Radke struggled fiercely. He managed to start the car and accelerated. The robber was hanging from the car with his legs. But then the car stopped again.

The fight moved to the street. There was a fierce struggle. "I managed to grab my emergency hammer, which I always keep under my seat, and hit the robber," he said.

The 80-year-old stands injured on his balcony

The robber pushes the pensioner to the ground

But the 1.85-meter-tall attacker didn't let go of him, and they both fell to the ground. There, the robber pushed the pensioner's arms down and knelt on his upper body. The 80-year-old had severe hematomas and a bleeding wound on his forearm.

The pensioner bought a Mazda CX-3 for 20,000 euros in 2019 and was delighted with the many extras

Suddenly two accomplices appear

Two of the robber's accomplices, who had been hiding nearby, suddenly rushed in. They managed to grab the car keys and wallet. While the elderly person was lying injured on the ground, the trio ran to his Mazda with Segeberger license plates and sped away.

The pensioner took this selfie of himself and his beloved Mazda after snowfall

The police have been unsuccessful in their search so far and now ask for information from the public at 040/428 65 67 89.

Horst Radke has a lot of visits to the authorities ahead of him. The stolen wallet had all his identity documents. His bank cards were also gone - and 45 euros in cash. Radke: "The most important thing is that I get my Mazda back!"

The crew of the ambulance that came to the scene treated his heavily bleeding forearm wound, his left arm is covered in bruises

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