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Eastern nations seek increased collaboration with Poland.

Saxony, Brandenburg, and MV are planning to initiate a Federal Council effort to enhance cross-border collaboration with Poland, using France's model as inspiration.

The State Chancellery building is brightly lit in the evening.
The State Chancellery building is brightly lit in the evening.

The Federal Council is making decisions on various issues. - Eastern nations seek increased collaboration with Poland.

Three eastern German states - Saxony, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - are pushing for improved German-Polish relations via a Bundesrat initiative. Saxony and Brandenburg, which share a border, have been quite active in fostering German-Polish partnership, and now plan to submit a proposal to the Bundesrat on May 17 (initiated by Saxony). This proposal seeks to introduce a German-Polish Interrail ticket, modeled after the Franco-German one, to encourage meetings between young people and young adults.

Furthermore, the establishment of a German-Polish citizens' fund is being suggested to encourage encounters between adults. Saxony and Brandenburg are also keen on drafting a fresh German-Polish neighborhood treaty, which could potentially be signed in 2026 to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 1991 friendship treaty.

Brandenburg's Minister President, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), highlighted that the Polish government would substantially raise funds for the German-Polish Youth Office. His goal, Woidke claimed, is to reach parity with the Franco-German Youth Office. He sees a surging interest in engaging with the other side, and deems it necessary as it might secure the future of their countries.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's cabinet confirmed on Tuesday their intention to be a joint applicant in a trilateral application from the three states. Their main points in this application include increasing resources for the German-Polish Youth Office and reinforcing the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation. They are also keen on extending trilateral cooperation with Germany, Poland, and France via the Weimar Triangle format.

German-Polish-Ukrainian projects are under consideration as well. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Prime Minister, Manuela Schwesig (SPD), emphasized that there's a scope for greater collaboration in multiple areas. Poland is Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's principal economic partner, and the border region has been closely cooperating in realms like culture, science, healthcare, and education.

In their motion, these three federated states alluded to the Nazi invasion of Poland 85 years ago. The statement noted that the reconciliation process following the Second World War is still incomplete. Greater efforts are needed at political and social levels to further enhance German-Polish ties. Brandenburg's head of government Woidke called for swift action in creating a respectful memorial for Poland's suffering under National Socialism in Berlin.

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