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Dutch Gambling Supervision Authority Releases New Strategy for Responsible Gambling in Netherlands

The Netherlands' gaming regulator, KSA, unveils its strategy for secure betting by the year 2024.

Dutch Gambling Supervision Authority Releases New Strategy for Responsible Gambling in Netherlands

The Dutch gambling watchdog, Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), unveiled its strategy for responsible gambling on February 26th. This strategy emphasizes areas with significant risks for gamblers and outlines strategies to reduce these risks.

Four Key Focus Areas withspecific Measures

The KSA lays out its strategies for 2024 in the Safeguarding Gambling Integrity plan [Dutch link]. The organization has pinpointed four areas it intends to focus on.

Firstly, they aim to improve the surveillance of duty of care and addiction prevention. This involves safeguarding gamblers from hazardous or problematic gambling.

Secondly, cracking down on unauthorized online gambling entities is a priority. The KSA aims to persuade at least 90% of gamblers to opt for legitimate gambling providers, with the aim of curtailing unauthorized gambling in the Netherlands.

Throughout 2024, the KSA will continue to investigate and scrutinize unlawful online gambling activities and offers. Illicit providers with considerable influence over Dutch gamblers and those luring gamblers from legal to illegal platforms will be their main targets.– KSA, Dutch gambling authority, KSA

To achieve these objectives, the KSA intends to rely on partnerships, independent investigations, and physical realm interventions in the future. Working together with local authorities, police, and other organizations, they aim to intensify efforts to combat physical unauthorized gambling in the Netherlands.

However, gambling providers also bear responsibilities. They will be expected to promptly, completely, and accurately transmit relevant data to the gambling authority.

Additional Strategies to Reduce Problematic Gambling

The Dutch government and the gambling authority have been working on enhancing player protection since July 1, 2023. Since then, gambling advertisements have been prohibited on TV, radio, and print media in the Netherlands.

The Dutch parliament is currently deliberating on whether to institute a comprehensive ban on gambling advertisements. This would also extend to advertising online. The proposition has sparked enthusiasm and intense debate within the parliament.

The gambling industry worries about potential harm due to additional regulation. They fear that legal gambling would become less appealing as a result. Representatives from the industry also question the effectiveness of the proposed advertising ban.

KSA Strives for Enhanced Player Protection

The KSA's primary objective is to boost player protection. They seek to accomplish this by prioritizing responsible gambling. Providers who overlook or advocate for excessive gambling will face sanctions in the future.

The majority of these providers are unauthorized, and the KSA will continue to take action against them. They aim to impede any unauthorized gambling, including illegal online providers, betting shops, or gaming halls that violate relevant laws.

One feature of the action plan has already been implemented by the KSA: the prohibition of cashback bonuses. The authority views these as hazardous, as they could encourage excessive gambling. Providers offering cashback bonuses have already received warnings from the KSA. Further violations could result in severe consequences.

The KSA's strategy for responsible gambling also includes sharing news about their progress with the public. Regular updates on the implementation of their plans help keep the public informed about measures being taken to protect gamblers.

In line with their focus on reducing problematic gambling, the KSA is monitoring news about the Dutch parliament's deliberations on a potential comprehensive ban on gambling advertisements. If enacted, this ban could further strengthen the KSA's efforts to promote responsible gambling and protect vulnerable individuals.

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