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Drunken man (26) slams into electrical panel

On Saturday, May 25th, 2024, at around 3:40 a.m., a 26-year-old man from Mönchengladbach lost control of his vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol and crashing into an electricity distribution box at the Hardterbroicher Straße / Bungt junction.


Hardterbroich-Pesch: MG location - Drunken man (26) slams into electrical panel

A car with significant damage was removed from the scene, and its driver had to provide a blood sample at a police station, losing their driver's license. Thankfully, the crash didn't impact the local power grid. Now, this 26-year-old individual faces charges for risking public road safety while intoxicated.

If you were a bystander who saw how this unfortunate event unfolded, authorities in Mönchengladbach request you to reach out to them through the number 02161 - 290.

This narration is an alternative representation of an official statement, made possible with the aid of artificial intelligence.)

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