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Does this innovation safeguard the environment?

The traffic light administration now intends to inject hazardous gases beneath the earth.

Klima-Minister Habeck (54, Grüne) und Kanzler Scholz (65, SPD) vor der Kabinettssitzung am...
Klima-Minister Habeck (54, Grüne) und Kanzler Scholz (65, SPD) vor der Kabinettssitzung am Dienstag

Special technology gains passage through traffic lights. - Does this innovation safeguard the environment?

The German government has given the go-ahead for the Carbon Dioxide Storage Law, which permits the capture and sequestration of CO2 released during industrial production.

This procedure, known as "Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage" (CCS), involves removing the CO2 from other compounds and transporting it to offshore storage facilities through pipelines or vessels.

The storage will primarily take place in the North Sea, while on-land storage will be prohibited. This prevents the gas from entering the atmosphere, thereby hindering climate change.

Economics and Climate Minister Robert Habeck (54, Greens) has long advocated for this technology, despite opposition from within his party. He believes that mitigating the detrimental effects of unavoidable emissions, such as those from cement and lime production or waste incineration, is crucial.

Habeck remarked, "Today is a significant day for Germany's industry. CCS (...) must be made possible, otherwise, climate protection goals cannot be accomplished." He also considers this decision a vital step toward the industrial competitiveness of other nations, like Norway.

The energy and water management industry association (BDEW) commended the decision, claiming it's a significant development toward climate neutrality. "With the unavoidable emissions, the so-called residual emissions, CO2 can only be averted through sequestration for the foreseeable future," commented BDEW Managing Director Kerstin Andreae.

However, the DVF (German Transport Forum) raised concerns, stating that pipeline transportation should not be the sole focus. "Unfortunately, the necessary transport of CO2 by rail and ship is entirely disregarded in the points," said DVF Managing Director Heike van Hoorn. The cost of pipelines is significantly higher than that of rail and ship transportation.

Environmental advocacy groups, like Greenpeace, are highly critical. A Greenpeace spokesman said, "The compression of CO2 is simply a cosmetic solution." He also deemed it "too expensive, too complex, and will take decades to implement." The durability of the planned CO2 storage lakes is also uncertain. BUND Chief Olaf Bandt expressed astonishment, "Surprisingly, the climate-damaging gas industry is being allowed to develop an intrusive CO2 disposal infrastructure in the country."

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