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Do machete fights frequently occur in our daily experiences?

The police chief remarked following the recent weekend, "There have been two more knife assaults, victims stabbed in the back. This trend seems to be gaining momentum. However, this shouldn't be how it is. We must put a halt to this cycle of violence, particularly among the youth. But how?"

Frank Schneider, chief reporter for BILD, provides analysis. - Do machete fights frequently occur in our daily experiences?

It's totally right! Violence should never be seen as a regular part of life.

Imagine if people were too scared to go out in the evening or at night, not just women or the elderly, but also younger people. Young perpetrators often target younger victims in schools, playgrounds, and parks.

Rising number of violent and sexual crimes

Every day, the police release updates on incidents of knife attacks, massive brawls, and gang-related disputes. The statistics on sexual assaults and rapes are equally concerning. Daily, there are new victims.

For instance, a few days ago, the Federal Police Union raised an alarm due to the sharp increase in violent and sexual offenses at train stations within the first three months of this year.

Recently, a massive brawl broke out at a water playground in Gelsenkirchen after two children got into a fight. It started when Syrian extended families got involved, and when the police arrived, they found themselves dealing with a chaotic scene where hundreds were engaged in the conflict. Three individuals got injured, and two suspects were arrested.

Terrible scenes during a mass brawl on the notorious Eisenbahnstraße in Leipzig. A man strikes an opponent cowering on the ground with the blunt side of a machete

60 Lebanese fight on a soccer field in Essen

The police even had to mobilize hundreds of officers to handle a violent conflict between 60 Lebanese on a soccer field in Essen. A knife was used during the fight, and shots were fired. The SEK eventually captured two suspects.

There were two knife victims in Hamburg last weekend, and the suspects are still on the run. In Bochum, two men speaking Turkish stabbed a party guest without warning. And a street brawl in Leipzig took place as well. Should we just accept this as our new normal?

We need to be honest with ourselves. What's causing this violence? Why are the offenders getting younger? Why are young people carrying knives and using them in arguments? Only when we acknowledge the issues can we take steps to prevent us from becoming desensitized to this violence.

Escalation of violence in Essen. At the soccer match between

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