In 2016, he mistreated his girlfriend in the hotel hallway. - Diddy escapes repercussions after being spanked.
CNN shared a shocking video on March 5, 2016, displaying the once renowned rapper, Diddy, chasing after his partner Cassie down a hotel corridor and physically assaulting her. In the clip, Diddy can be seen knocking her to the ground and repeatedly kicking her defenseless body. Afterwards, he drags her back to her room.
The release of this footage prompted global outrage; however, the Los Angeles Attorney General's office has since announced that Diddy won't be charged. The reasoning behind this decision is tied to the statute of limitations, which prevents prosecution for crimes that occurred more than a year ago. Diddy attacked Cassie back in 2016, thereby exceeding the time limit for assault charges.
Cassie did bring charges against Diddy in a civil lawsuit in 2023, accusations of rape, assault, and other attacks were made. The case was eventually settled out of court.

Cassie's husband, Alex Fine, expressed his disappointment with Diddy, asserting that men who physically assault women are not true men. He labeled such individuals as "misogynists." Fine entered a relationship with Cassie in 2018, then married her in 2019, and their first child, Frankie, was born the same year. Their second child, Sunny, arrived in 2021.
Former assistant of Diddy, Suzie Siegel, shared her sentiments with the New York Post: "I wasn't surprised at all. It's so disturbing that the video doesn't deceive."

Munich's renowned criminal defense lawyer, Dr. Alexander Stevens, shed light on Germany's statute of limitations for assault: "Although the images are tremendously distressing and challenging to watch, the crime would probably be considered time-barred in Germany. In this country, assault is considered a crime with a five-year statute of limitations."
Stevens adds: "To clarify, if one concludes that Diddy's blows could potentially have been life-threatening, or his assault was carried out through surprise and an ambush, then this is deemed a 'dangerous bodily injury' and has a ten-year statute of limitations. Nonetheless, it can seem like a mockery to victims who experience the effects of these traumatic events for a prolonged period or sometimes indefinitely. It's a reason behind the ongoing debate surrounding the criminal statute of limitations."

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