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Department store debate persists in Spandau as per Giffey

Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof is shutting down additional stores, with three outlets in Berlin facing potential shutdown. One possible exception remains.

Franziska Giffey (SPD), Berlin Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, speaks at the...
Franziska Giffey (SPD), Berlin Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, speaks at the press conference after the Berlin Senate meeting in the Rotes Rathaus.

Out of the three Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof department stores in Berlin potentially facing closure, talks are ongoing about the fate of one. Regarding the store in Spandau, Senator for Economic Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD), mentioned on Tuesday that discussions are taking place once more to weigh the possible options. Yet, she stressed that this remains "very, very uncertain." Already, the decision to close the store was considered "firm."

Over the weekend, the department store chain announced more closures across Germany after a change in ownership. In Berlin, the stores at Ringcenter and Tempelhof are also slated for shutdown, in addition to Spandau. A total of 182 employees are potentially affected.

Giffey disclosed that it had been indicated that the Ringcenter and Tempelhof locations would see no development, even if the rent were significantly reduced. Nonetheless, the Spandau store's situation would be tackled again with the landlord.

Ultimately, Giffey assured that the Senate's goal was to create a future for these locations and avoid lengthy vacancies.

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