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Dementia patients swindled for 50,000 euros by treacherous therapist.

Elfriede W. (91) experienced mixed emotions after her husband's death. Her joy from moving into a new home turned to shock when her fitted kitchen, sold on eBay for 240 euros, revealed a surprising find in its cupboards. The new owner was stunned to discover envelopes filled with over 150,000...

Physiotherapist Maik K. (36) has stopped laughing: He is facing several years in prison
Physiotherapist Maik K. (36) has stopped laughing: He is facing several years in prison

Prosecutor remains unharmed. - Dementia patients swindled for 50,000 euros by treacherous therapist.

An older woman misplaced a significant amount of money in her furniture unknowingly. Fortunately, the honest man who found the cash, Thomas H., returned it to the police. The police returned the funds to the rightful owner, Elfriede W., but things quickly went south from there.

A confidant of Elfriede's and a physiotherapist, Maik K., was allegedly involved in the embezzlement and misuse of her money. Maik K., who helped organize the sale of her furniture, supposedly used this opportunity to steal her money. When the old lady regained access to her funds, the therapist reportedly tried to seize all of it from her.

The CID team managed to trace the suspected fraudster through bank transfers. A bank employee noticed the suspicious transactions and notified the police. The accused then attempted to purchase several luxury cars using the stolen funds, according to the prosecution.

Honest finder: Thomas Heller (52) found banknotes worth 150,000 euros in this drawer under the plate cupboard

Despite their efforts, at least 50,000 Euros were lost. Now, Maik K. from Halle is facing court proceedings at the Halle district court, where he's charged with ten criminal offences, including fraud, forgery of documents, and theft.

During the preliminary hearings, he had not addressed these accusations. If found guilty, he could face up to ten years in prison.

Elfriede W. trusted her therapist and issued him with a power of attorney for healthcare

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