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Decrease in crime influenced by political factors in MV.

Incidents related to pandemic regulations and Russia's attack on Ukraine have witnessed a decrease. However, the number of anti-Semitic and racist crimes increased.

Christian Pegel (SPD), Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Christian Pegel (SPD), Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Fanaticism - Decrease in crime influenced by political factors in MV.

Politically charged criminal activities in the region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern decreased in the previous year. This decrease Lowers the number of interconnected incidents down to 1902, as mentioned by the Ministry of the Interior, Christian Pegel (SPD), during his talk on Tuesday. He attributed the fall to a significant decline in politically driven incidents that surrounded discussions about necessary measures to counter the spread of the coronavirus pandemic or the Russian attack on Ukrainian lands. The reported count of politically fueled violent incidents dropped from 179 in the earlier year to 109; suggesting a correlation with the decline in protests.

Regrettably, anti-Semitic offenses reached a staggering high last year, with 115 cases. The Minister highlighted that the authorities registered 36 more incidents than in the previous year. The regretful reality is that prominent right-wing extremists and individuals who exploited the Hamas terror attack against Israel and the subsequent Middle Eastern war to promote hatred in general against Jews, were responsible for most of these offenses. Additionally, the data presented showed an increase in racist offenses, from 316 cases in 2022 to 439 cases.

The Minister, while sharing the figures, reiterated that the overarching danger still comes from right-wing extremism. The department recorded a growth of 19.9%, recording 1,369 criminal incidents in this category. Majority of these were classified as propaganda-related, which include displays of Hitler salute or employing the Nazi insignia. Right-wing extremist violence register slight assuagement, with the count dropping from 81 to 79 cases. Left-wing extremists were responsible for 168 incidents, as per the stats, constituting a reduction of 3.4%. Intimidation was the primary form of these offenses, while seven instances of left-wing violent attacks were accounted.

Another surprising trend identified is a minor increase in religious-ideological oriented crimes. The authorities recorded 28 such incidents this year compared to 12 in the preceding one. This notable rise can be credited to a spate of bomb threats, dispatched via email, that targeted public schools and administrative buildings across Germany. We also experienced such events in our country. These threats often referenced the Islamist organization, Hamas, and the ongoing conflict in Gaza while one letter mentioned the turmoil in Ukraine.

Online becomes a common crime ground

The Minister of Interior stated that more and more politically inclined crimes are moving towards the virtual arena. "Truly depressing, but we witnessed an uptick in hateful postings in 2022, jumping from 95 to 154 occurrences," he informed. Despite the importance of free criticism in political arenas, specifically vile insults, slander and hate speech, along with blatant threats of violence or death, are completely unacceptable.

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