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Deceptive health insurance salesperson swindles elderly person (85)

On Thursday, the 23rd of May, 2024, an unidentified person infiltrated an 85-year-old lady's residence in Wutöschingen, posing as a health insurance official.

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Wutöschingen: A place to be. - Deceptive health insurance salesperson swindles elderly person (85)

At around 3:40 p.m., a stranger showed up in Friedhofstraße and started chatting with an elderly person. The woman fell for the man's stories and handed him some cash. The criminal was tall, thin, wore dark clothes, and carried a dark umbrella with him.

The Wutöschingen police are trying to find people who witnessed this daring scam or have been victims themselves. You can call them at 07746 9285-0 for more information about the "fraudulent employee." You can also reach out to the Waldshut police at 07751 8316-0 (24h) if you have any details.

The police have some safety tips: Avoid sharing personal and financial information with strangers. Always be suspicious and cautious. If you ever feel uneasy, call the police on emergency number 110 for assistance. Also, tell your friends, relatives, and older family members about such incidents.

This story is based on official details provided by the authorities and was written with the help of AI.

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