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Debate surrounding the "Rwanda approach"

Intense deliberations on the British "Rwanda approach" for immigration.

Arguing about migration on "Maischberger": Jens Spahn (CDU) and Konstantin Kuhle (FDP)
Arguing about migration on "Maischberger": Jens Spahn (CDU) and Konstantin Kuhle (FDP)

Discussing migration issues on Maischberger's show - Debate surrounding the "Rwanda approach"

Jens Spahn, deputy leader of the CDU/CSU group in parliament, and Konstantin Kuhle, deputy leader of the FDP group, clashed on the Maischberger show regarding the appropriate approach to immigration. The two politicians differed over the so-called "Rwanda model," which had previously been adopted by the British government. According to this model, migrants without valid documents are sent to Rwanda for their asylum applications to be processed - where a decision is made on their asylum application.

Spahn declared, "I want the Rwanda model for Germany." He justified this by saying, "There's no human right to choose your destination country." Spahn had recently traveled to Rwanda to discuss the matter with government officials.

The CDU/CSU parliamentary group deputy expressed concerns about spreading the message, "If I can somehow make it to Europe, I can stay." This, he argued, would only encourage more people to make the hazardous trek to Europe.

Kuhle, on the other hand, dismissed the Rwanda model. At an EU level, an asylum decision was made on Tuesday to conduct asylum procedures at the European external border - a tightening of the existing asylum law. "That will accomplish much more than a debate about some abstract Rwanda model," said Kuhle. He added, "I don't believe that we can solve European and German asylum policy on the back of Rwanda. You can't tell me that Rwanda is now the solution for German refugee policy." He reproached Spahn.

Spahn responded, "I don't accept one sentence: namely that this is taking place at Rwanda's expense. Rwanda is a partner." The country would benefit from an agreement.

The EU asylum decision lauded by Kuhle was described by Spahn as "whitewashing." He maintained, "That won't solve the problem." Spahn argued for new strategies, like the Rwanda model, to decrease the number of refugees coming to Germany.

Kuhle conceded that not everyone should migrate to Germany, agreeing with Spahn - and directly attacked him: "People will come, regardless of whether Jens Spahn goes to Rwanda."

Spahn didn't take this lying down and responded sharply, "Dear Konstantin, you can take the debate to such a level. My firm belief is that if the democratic center in Europe doesn't address the issue of illegal migration, illegal migration will end the democratic center."

Spahn's call to action: "Let's seriously consider what other countries are trying."

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