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David Hasselhoff demonstrates compassion for dying fan.

The "Knight Rider" always brings hope to the place he is in.

Nach langer Verletzungspause wegen Knieproblemen wieder auf der Bühne: David Hasselhoff. Zuvor...
Nach langer Verletzungspause wegen Knieproblemen wieder auf der Bühne: David Hasselhoff. Zuvor hatte er nach der anstrengenden Anreise im Flieger aus L.A. in einem Rollstuhl am Flughafen Autogramme gegeben

Emotional appearance offstage - David Hasselhoff demonstrates compassion for dying fan.

David Hasselhoff (71) faced issues with his physical health due to an aging knee that often gave him troubles. This problem made it necessary for him to cancel his big Germany tour.

However, the iconic actor known for his role in "Baywatch" made a comeback over the weekend at the "Forever Young" festival held on the Danube Island in Vienna, performing live for the first time since his health issues. After popular 80s stars like Kim Wilde (63) and Samantha Fox (58), Hasselhoff delivered a 40-minute set.

Our beloved "The Hoff" appeared more fit on stage with a lusty voice, but a little lackluster compared to his previous performances. Nevertheless, it was evident his passion was alive as he gave his all during a more private performance off the stage.

Post-concert, Hasselhoff didn't waste any time fulfilling a heartfelt wish of a special guest.

Her dream was so dear to her

In der Serie „Knight Rider“ wurde er zum Superstar: David Hasselhoff mit seinem Kult-Auto K.I.T.T.

The association "Rolling Angels" learned about Petra's (44) intense desire to meet David Hasselhoff. Petra has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and has endured multiple surgeries. Her chances of survival are slim.

Hasselhoff's series and music held a significant place in Petra's childhood. After hearing about her wish to meet him, the association jumped into action. The singer was more than willing to grant her request.

With the support of her loved ones, Petra had the chance to attend the concert. A flood of emotions washed over her as she watched her idol perform. Then, the most exciting surprise awaited her after the last beats of the music. Hasselhoff greeted her backstage and held her hand. They chatted in English.

Tears of joy flowed down Petra's face as her wish came true. The "Rolling Angels" brought her unforgettable experiences filled with nostalgia and love.

Der Verein „Rollende Engel“ brachte die schwerkranke Petra und ihre Familie zum Hasselhoff-Auftritt nach Wien
Was für ein schöner Moment: David Hasselhoff traf seinen schwer kranken Fan hinter der Bühne. Bei beiden flossen Tränchen

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