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Daughter uncovers artificial body in casket.

Shocking incident at hospital chapel in Apenrad: a daughter intended to bid farewell to her late father, but instead found a stranger in the casket.

The dead man in the coffin was a stranger (symbolic photo)
The dead man in the coffin was a stranger (symbolic photo)

Surprise during a funeral ceremony in Denmark. - Daughter uncovers artificial body in casket.

The pastor was in disbelief as church leader Kirsten Schmidt experienced utter shock, stating, "This should never happen."

The funeral service for Hans Grandt was scheduled for May 7th in Apenrade, Denmark, and the closed coffin had already been set up in the hospital chapel. However, his daughter Heidi Grandt approached the coffin, screamed in terror, and informed the mortician that it wasn't her father inside.

Svend-Erik Grandt, brother of the deceased, recounted the event to regional TV station "TV Syd": "His daughter went to the coffin first and was horrified. It wasn't my brother (her father) who was lying there, and she informed the mortician."

The error had occurred in the hospital's cold room, where two bodies had been mistakenly mixed up. The hospital admitted the mistake: "A human error occurred when the body was released, and we deeply regret this."

Pastor Kirsten Schmidt was taken aback by the incident: "Everyone is trying to come to terms with this shocking experience. It was extremely difficult for everyone involved. The family is, of course, also very upset."

Fortunately, Hans Grandt's coffin was retrieved by the funeral home on Tuesday, allowing the funeral service to take place in the Apenrade hospital chapel on the same day, albeit with a slight delay, and with the correct body in the coffin.

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