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Dangerous TikTok fad "Sephora Kids": Underage Users Seeking Anti-Wrinkle Creams Pose a Risk

Youthful girls purchase anti-aging creams from high-end brand Sephora; these videos are currently trending on Tiktok. Emilia and Alissa utilize numerous cosmetic items daily, though these products are typically designated for older individuals. Skin specialist Sarah Bechstein assesses their...

Skin doctors issue cautionary advice - Dangerous TikTok fad "Sephora Kids": Underage Users Seeking Anti-Wrinkle Creams Pose a Risk

With the hashtag #sephorakids, videos flood social media depicting Sephora store shelves displaying squished makeup tubes, crumbled powder jars, and smeared creams. Known for its upscale cosmetics, Sephora occasionally reveals whimsical scenes. However, recently the brand has become a topic of conversation due to its patrons.

Gaggles of young girls and teenagers seem to be rushing Sephora's stores for a try-before-you-buy experience, convincing their parents into spending hundreds of euros. For instance, a TikTok post famously captures a young girl around age ten eager to purchase 900 dollars' worth of make-up. Although her mother diminished the purchase, she still spent hundreds. Various Sephora patrons share similar videos displaying lengthy discussions between parents and daughters and ravaged shelves, while employees share their experiences with the unusually young shoppers.

Genesis of Trend

This trend, dubbed Sephora Kids, has mainly spread in France, the US, and Spain, but is now gradually moving to other countries – including Germany. The spree has primarily impacted teenagers and pre-teens, who are not only testing products, but also enticing their parents to splurge on expensive purchases.

Experts are concerned over this trend, as excessive use of skincare products, like anti-wrinkle and moisturizing creams, applied by children to their faces for videos may have adverse effects on their developing skin.

Dermatologists are issuing warnings and raising awareness, like Sarah Bechstein. Like other doctors, she emphasizes that children should not utilise numerous beauty products like Alissa, who claims to use roughly ten beauty products each day. According to Bechstein, this overuse is far from ideal.

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