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Customs officials seize deceased seahorses.

Surprise at Berlin Airport: A passenger (45) was apprehended with 20 deceased, partially pregnant seahorses in his bag!

The man had transported the dead seahorses in a polystyrene container
The man had transported the dead seahorses in a polystyrene container

Luggage found at BER airport. - Customs officials seize deceased seahorses.

A guy bought protected animal species for only five euros in Vietnam, transporting them in a styrofoam container. Customs seized these seahorses recently.

Since he didn't possess a permit, this man could now be fined up to 50,000 euros.

It's uncertain why he was gathering these deceased animals in the first place. Customs officials speculate he might have wanted to exhibit them.

Odd stuff isn't unheard of at airports, like a guy who attempted to carry a snake into Germany with his underwear.

It is unclear why the man took the animals to Germany

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