Jauch expresses surprise on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." - Crowd member intentionally provides incorrect response.
Torben Schnepper-Chimento, age 28 from Cologne, struggles with the €500 question. Jauch quizzes: "In the Old Testament, Lot's wife transforms into a... A: Salt column, B: Advertising pillar, C: Fuel pump, D: Emergency contact tower?"
A straightforward question but the contestant is left scratching his head. "Who is Lot? And why does he have a wife?" Jauch then further bewilders his show guest with this riddle: "... And in the end, half of him was weighed and died on the eighth day. That's Wilhelm Busch. No, not Wilhelm Busch, that was Struwwelpeter."
Schnepper-Chimento cannot manage to grasp the game. He decides to use the audience wildcard. Immediately, 99% of viewers opt for answer A, while a single percent stumped the format. Jauch is surprised and asks the director: "Could you tell me where the advertising pillar is?"
Jauch uncovers two viewers who answered incorrectly, and he seeks clues with the seat numbers. He jokingly addresses one of them: "Young Jürgen von der Lippe!" The viewer admits why he misanswered: "I was just trying to score an autograph."

Jauch scolds the viewer lightly: "I'm disheartened and furious by how you're exploiting this show. But your idea was creative!" Undoubtedly, Jauch doesn't deny the viewer his autograph and displays the message he wrote on the man's note: "For clever Andi. Sincerely, Günther Jauch."
Schnepper-Chimento finally identifies the correct response, but he still ends up taking home just €500 that night. Jauch teases him again, questioning: "The Old Testament is about two thousand years old. What advertising pillars, fuel pumps, and emergency contact towers are meant to have existed two thousand years ago?"
Unlucky for the contestant: He lands the right answer but ends up with only the €500 prize that evening.

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Source: symclub.org