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Courageous 9-year-old girl pursues two offenders.

Look out criminals, Detective Inspector Lisa is here (9)! This courageous girl has assisted in the capture of a wicked offender.

Jung und mutig: Lisa (9) aus Frankfurt. Lisas Papa fotografierte seine Tochter bei der Verfolgung...
Jung und mutig: Lisa (9) aus Frankfurt. Lisas Papa fotografierte seine Tochter bei der Verfolgung der Diebe und dabei auch das Fluchtauto, in das gerade einer der Täter steigt

In the heart of Frankfurt, Germany,... - Courageous 9-year-old girl pursues two offenders.

At 7:20 pm in the day, a disturbing situation occurred.

Robbery of Expensive Phones

Two men were caught on camera snatching large bags from a Chinese woman (65 years old). They had threatened her and sprayed pepper spray to render her powerless. What was inside the bags, you might ask? Expensive phones worth 60,000 euros!

Father Captures Perpetrators and Vehicle Details

Stolz auf seine mutige Tochter ist auch Vater Thomas Müller-Witte

Lisa, who is 1.50 meters tall and has long legs, moved much faster than her dad. The robbers, realizing they were being pursued, jumped into a car worth more than 60,000 euros, an Audi A6 Avant. But they hadn't anticipated the bravery of Lisa and her dad - a full-time lifesaver and manager of Frankfurt's Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund. He quickly took photos of the perpetrators, their getaway car, and the license plate. By the end of the day, the police arrested one of the robbers (18 years old) in Offenbach. The hunt for the other rogue is still ongoing.

Last week, on April 30th, the high school student was honored by Police President Stefan Mueller for her valor. Lisa became a true hero.

Große Ehre für die kleine Heldin: Lisa am vergangenen Mittwoch mit Papa Thomas (l.) Polizeipräsident Stefan Müller bei der „Zeugenbelobigung“ im Polizeipräsidium

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