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Couple robbed by imposter cops on A2 freeway

On May 8, 2024, a couple from Leverkusen encountered fake undercover officers on the A2, who asked for their identification and later robbed them.

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Beckum is a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. - Couple robbed by imposter cops on A2 freeway

A pair was guided by supposed cops to the commuter parking spot on Geißlerstraße in Beckum around 11:10 am. The junior driver of the older dark purple BMW 1 Series then conducted a supposed "check" and claimed to want to examine cash, as it was rumored that fake funds had been distributed by foreign crooks.

Since the couple's automobile had Polish license plates, it was presumably targeted by the thugs. Whilst posed a question, the 64-year-old man from Leverkusen provided his vehicle's keys and any funds he had on him to the phony police officer. The suspect then reentered the BMW 1 Series and both sped off down the A2 towards Dortmund.

The desired suspect is presumed to be 30 to 40 years old, possess a slender frame, a thin face, black layers of hair, a beard, and donned a dark hat - their German was also quite choppy.

Those who observed the incident or can share details on the suspects and the older dark purple BMW 1 Series are urged to call Beckum police at 02521/911-0 or email [email protected].

The state offers the following advice in similar circumstances: Ask officials, whether they're dressed plainly or in uniforms, to show you their credentials. If uncertain, notify the police instantly by phoning 110. Never surrender any currency, treasures, or vehicle keys to outsiders. In the event of being robbed, go to the police.

This text has been created with artificial intelligence assistance utilizing data from official authorities.

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