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Councilor endorses acid attack as endearing in green locale.

Over the Whitsun weekend, opposing groups clashed in Upper Franconia. One group consisted of ardent supporters of student fraternities, while the other criticized the event as sexist and nationalistic at the Coburg Convention.

The BRK and the riot police were also deployed in Coburg at the weekend
The BRK and the riot police were also deployed in Coburg at the weekend

Debating at the Coburg Assembly - Councilor endorses acid attack as endearing in green locale.

Law enforcement authorities have concluded their weekly operations in Bavaria and, while most actions were received positively, one case in particular caught the attention of critics.

Approximately 2,500 attendees were present at Coburg for a convention, as stated by a police spokesperson. On the contrary, around 400-500 individuals assembled on a separate side on Monday. They were allegedly responsible for throwing an odoriferous substance inside the convention's marquee. Consequently, the marquee required ventilation, and numerous beer tables had to be sanitized. The police's preliminary suspicion was that the liquid might be butyric acid. However, further examinations were necessary.

Mayor Dominik Sauerteig (SPD) vocally condemned the incident in "". He stated that these protesters are visitors from all over Germany who travel to Coburg to instigate disputes, uprisings, and violence.

An Aromatic Hoax?

Councillor Melanie Becker of the Coburg Greens, however, did not view the incident as negatively. She told "" that she doesn't approve of the butyric acid prank but finds it amusing. "It's distinctive and gives off an air of mischievous behavior," she remarked.

The Coburg Convention is a gathering of student fraternities, country clubs, and gymnastics clubs from both Germany and Austria that occurs annually at Whitsun in Coburg. It typically involves a torch-carrying procession through the city center. Councillor Becker even participated in the run, hoisting a rainbow flag. This was done in protest since only men are allowed to participate in the convention. Critics of the event consider it outdated and claim that it upholds a misogynistic and chauvinistic attitude.

A torchlight procession also took place as part of the Coburg Convention

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