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Could two-month-long trips to Mars become a reality in the future?

NASA researchers have engineered a propulsion system that could potentially accelerate journeys to Mars by several months, along the lines of the warp drive featured in Starship Enterprise. However, whether this incredible speed will ever become a reality remains to be seen, as it may be...

A spaceship with a plasma drive could fly to Mars much faster than with conventional drives
A spaceship with a plasma drive could fly to Mars much faster than with conventional drives

NASA invents a new kind of motor. - Could two-month-long trips to Mars become a reality in the future?

In 2040, the first human may walk on Mars. However, the voyage to this distant planet would be challenging and time-consuming with the current propulsion systems, lasting roughly nine months. A journey fraught with danger due to the distance between Earth and Mars.

A revolutionary new rocket system could transform future space missions to Mars, cutting the journey time to a mere two months. According to, NASA and private tech company Howe Industries have jointly developed this new technology.

They've created a "pulsed plasma rocket." Instead of using the chemical fuels typical in today's propulsion systems, the Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) creates a controlled plasma jet through nuclear fission. This results in much higher speeds in a fraction of the time. The plasma jet can be guided using powerful magnets.

Reach farther destinations with less time

The PPR doesn't only facilitate longer-range missions, but could also transport heavier spacecraft. More material could be transported in a single space flight, and additional shielding could be added to safeguard crew members from harmful cosmic radiation.

A NASA official was quoted as saying, "The PPR ushers in a new era of space exploration!" The team is now in phase II of development, focusing on engine design optimization, test experiments, and designing a Mars spacecraft concept.

This development brings us one step closer to the historic first human step on Mars.

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