The day preceding the major Fame Fighting event, - Concerns about the ability of "Love Island" star Bucci to compete.
On the 24th of May, Bucci intends to challenge his opponent Bocc Özsu in the Fame Fighting Challenger. However, Bucci recently updates his Instagram, saying, "Unfortunately, I've been under the weather these past days. I've been battling a cold." Not only that, but he also injured his shoulder and knee during training.
His doctor has expressed concerns about his shoulder, hoping for an injection to prevent any issues during the fight. It seems that Bucci's shoulder is a concern since he doesn't want it to give out during the match against Bocc.
The cold started showing up on Tuesday, and he is currently trying to recover by Friday with medication. He claims that "It's already getting better." Despite his doctor's advice against competing, Bucci is determined to participate in the Fame Fighting Challenger, not wanting to let go of this opportunity.

"My friends and family have purchased tickets to support me, so I want to be in the ring and make the most of it," states the "Love Island" star.
Despite his handicaps, Bucci has confidence in his abilities, saying, "It's like poker; you can still win even if you have bad cards."

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Note: Due to technical constraints, you won't be able to watch Fame Fighting on the Smart TV application. Please visit with your laptop or mobile device to stream the event.

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