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Community school experiences a hazardous gas warning.

Doctor required urgently at Voheliuspark school on Parkstraße; around 30 students and a teacher need immediate medical attention.

Emergency doctors treat the pupils and teachers on a meadow in front of the school building
Emergency doctors treat the pupils and teachers on a meadow in front of the school building

Thirty students report experiencing breathlessness. - Community school experiences a hazardous gas warning.

Authorities are looking into an incident involving an irritant gas alarm at a community school.

The call alerting emergency services came in around 11:45 am, prompting a team of firefighters, paramedics, and medical professionals to rush to the scene. This school accommodates grades 5 through 13.

Emergency response teams treated students and teachers on the lawn in front of the school. Seventeen individuals required hospitalization for further care.

According to the fire department, some of the irritant gas must have been drawn into the school building

The fire department revealed that some of the irritant gas might have entered the school building. Crews used massive fans to help clear the area.

Upon further investigation, it emerged that a student had sprayed the gas in the school's courtyard. Originally scheduled for examination on Tuesday, those tests were subsequently canceled. The school is expected to reopen on Wednesday.

The affected persons complain of coughing, burning eyes and respiratory irritation

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