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Come to our clinic for initiatives promoting a healthy and extended lifespan.

"Exclusive health clinics" catering to extended lifespans are popping up in high-income areas such as New York, Singapore, Zurich, Stockholm, and Paris.

Members of expensive longevity clubs dig deep into their pockets to stay healthy into old age...
Members of expensive longevity clubs dig deep into their pockets to stay healthy into old age (symbolic image)

Patients spend an astonishing 70,000 euros annually. - Come to our clinic for initiatives promoting a healthy and extended lifespan.

These places are renowned by names like "Elitra," "Estelle Manor," or "Surrenne" ...

Clients are willing to shell out large sums yearly for longevity clinics' services. For instance, "Surrene," a top-tier spa in London, charges approximately €70,000 per year! This exclusive membership guarantees entry.

In return, members enjoy serene underwater music, devised by neuroscientists, playing at the pool. Their wellness is monitored by elite professionals and world-class doctors. Celebrity chefs cater to their dietary needs, and Hollywood trainers push them to exercise.

The benefits after a brief relaxation period: more years of healthy life - at least, that's what these clinics' clients aspire for.

Pills, Hormones, Infusions, and Green Juices

A look into the sports room of the London super spa

Longevity clinics, such as "Surrenne," provide personalized tests, where one's blood is scrutinized for cardiovascular risks, metabolic and hormonal health. Additional checks are done for microbiome, sleep, and even ultrasounds.

Medical staff develop personalized regimens for club members to replenish their cells: Cold therapy, singing bowl sessions, pressure chambers, breathing techniques, customized juices, and personalized skincare are included.

Infusions of NAD+ are also part of the rejuvenation program. This coenzyme is said to contribute to energy metabolism and brain function. Additionally, clinics offer drugs like Rapamycin and Metformin. These medications are considered highly probable in longevity medicine, but are subject to controversy.

Is it Too Good to be True?

A sauna is of course a must in a luxury spa

Can money buy a long life? Richard Barker, a visiting professor at King's College London, stated in the British newspaper "i," "A lot of the evidence for things like rapamycin and NAD+ infusion comes from animal studies, so it's crucial to test them on humans." Barker suggests there might be false promises being made.

Whilst scientists research, the wellness industry thrives. It is forecasted to be worth $5.6 trillion (~5.1 trillion euros) this year, potentially reaching $6.8 trillion (~6.2 trillion euros) next year. Apart from clinics, there are home tests, drinks, supplements, tinctures, oils, fitness and relaxation programs, countless podcasts, and a phenomenon known as longevity travel.

Infusions of NAD+ are a crucial part of rejuvenation protocols in longevity clinics.

Underwater music is played in the pool

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