Departed celebrities and coaches cause instability for sports administrators. - Cologne is undergoing disintegration now.
The higher-ups are still contemplating on when they'll reveal the exit of their relegation coach, Timo Schultz (46). However, it appears that one million-dollar player might have already bid farewell.
This is only the beginning of a long line of exits, though. Florian Kainz (31) is even considering leaving!
The team captain claims he has a contract in the 2nd division. Nonetheless, he refuses to promise anything to FC, instead tying his future to "the kind of squad we have at our disposal". Kainz adds, "It's an extremely tough situation due to the transfer ban."
"Relieving relegation is the craziest and worst thing that can happen in team sports. Yet, after 34 match days, the rankings won't lie. The crucial part is that you can fall. But now, it's about getting FC back on its feet," Keller stated after the relegation. He went on: "We're accepting this situation and intensely preparing for the next season starting now."
There's some doubt as to whether Keller will indeed be around for the new beginning.

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