Anticipation of Civil Unrest in Frankfurt - College seeks to prohibit anti-Israel gathering
Supporters of the Palestinian cause are looking to establish a camp on the Westend campus starting on Monday. Authorities in Frankfurt have approved this plan, citing the rights to assembly and free speech.
The university administration, however, is worried, referencing turmoil in other cities where similar camps have been established. They're now exploring legal options to prevent the camp from being set up the way it's designed.
Demonstrators' hateful cries
Goethe University's first anti-Israel protest on May 10 appeared peaceful at first glance, but things turned sour when students shouted the outlawed Hamas slogan. "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free." This directly refers to eradicating Israel, stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Criminal complaint filed
Goethe University's leaders lodged a police report. President Schleiff spoke out on Friday: "I can't stand how anti-Semitic slogans can be vocalized on our premises." While it's valid for people to oppose Israel's actions in Gaza, the president added, "I don't see any necessity for a camp to be in the center of campus for an entire week."
He also emphasized: "Harassment and insulting others aren't deemed appropriate protest tactics, nor is psychological or even physical violence or occupation."

Hesse's anti-Semitism commissioner, Uwe Becker (CDU), applauds the university's resolve, but warns, "It's frightening to see hatred against Israel spreading even further at another institution. Left-wing anti-Semitism and Islamist animosity towards Jews are merging." Everyone should be on alert.
The protest camp is scheduled to last for a week. Fears of overt hatred towards Israel and possible rioting are intensifying.

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