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Colleagues' sorrow leaves Groß feeling accomplished.

Groß, who previously represented Hamburg's northern rivals from 2006 to 2011, discloses: "The shirt displayed several clubs from my career and naturally includes the HSV emblem. It's likewise a crucial aspect of my career history."

Werder's oldie Christian Groß (center) enjoys his farewell on the fence of the Ostkurve
Werder's oldie Christian Groß (center) enjoys his farewell on the fence of the Ostkurve

The wren from Werder has resigned. - Colleagues' sorrow leaves Groß feeling accomplished.

An unexpected profession wrapped up at the Weser Stadium on Saturday. Bundesliga newcomer Christian Groß (35), who only started his career at age 30, played his final game there.

Following the final whistle, his peers hoisted "Grosso" skyward before he mingled with the spectators along the east curve's fence and grabbed the microphone. An appropriate departure for Werder Bremen's eldest player, held in high esteem by his peers.

Groß: "It was terribly emotional how it played out. I believe it's nice when people are sad when you depart. That's always a positive sign, and I take pride in that."

Emotion overwhelms colleagues, making Groß proud!

Prior to starting his new role as a scout at Bayer Leverkusen, he has a significant journey ahead of him. One of the farewell presents given to him could be packed in his suitcase.

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