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Children place rocks on railway lines

On the night of March 1, 2013, three kids endangered both themselves and train riders by intruding onto the tracks between Uelzen and Braunschweig, placing multiple stones on the rails.

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Hannover Is the Subject of the News - Children place rocks on railway lines

As a regional train passed over stones, its driver spotted some youngsters in the vehicle's rear-view mirror. The order for driving slowly through the region was issued immediately to ensure safety. The train continued its route but required repair at Braunschweig's workshop due to wheel damage.

Local and state authorities rapidly dispatched patrols in search of the children. A witness shared details of two children they had seen: Child 1 - roughly 1.3 meters tall, with brown hair, dark eyes, riding an orange bicycle, and wearing a red and white helmet; Child 2 - approximately 1.4 meters tall, with very light skin, reddish hair, narrow jaw, and noticeably protruding teeth.

The Hanover Federal Police Investigation is requesting additional details about this incident or the missing children by calling 0511-303650. Authorities are proceeding with an investigation into individuals posing a danger to railway operations. Train delays occurred as a result of this situation.

The Hanover Federal Police are raising awareness of the dangers of railway facilities. Inspectorate Director Martin Kröger warned, "Railway accidents are always serious - and can be prevented by following basic rules." Tracks are not play areas, and unlawful entry is prohibited. Trains can't stop suddenly and possess break distances of up to 1,000 meters. Trains are also noisy only at the last moment. ICE trains can top speeds of 200 km/h.

This content was lawfully sourced from authorities and generated using AI.

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