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Child secure: "Someone killed my dad"

Rhea S. (37) has remained separated from her father and businessman Jörg Döhnert for over 224 days. With the chances of ever seeing her dad again alive diminishing, she's convinced - he was killed!

Rhea S. (37) hat an der Firma ihres Vaters Plakate aufgehängt. Darauf steht in großer Schrift:...
Rhea S. (37) hat an der Firma ihres Vaters Plakate aufgehängt. Darauf steht in großer Schrift: „Papa, ich liebe dich“

Business owner unaccounted for over 224 days. - Child secure: "Someone killed my dad"

Reinhard M., aged 37, is facing charges for killing an entrepreneur from Hüllhorst, North Rhine-Westphalia, in October. Allegedly, the crime took place in the victim's workshop at his company premises in Hüllhorst. However, to this day, there's no clue about the missing body.

The perpetrator's vanishing act is beyond comprehension for the victim's daughter. She feels that a more thorough investigation and search should have been conducted at an earlier stage.

"They did comb the company premises and recovered evidence in the workshop and the company," she mentions. However, the vast countryside around the company, with swamps and forests, was hardly examined.

Reinhard M. (37) soll den Unternehmer Jörg Döhnert aus Hüllhorst (NRW) getötet haben

"I'd have preferred if they had searched the water with divers and cadaver dogs," she adds. The fields were the only places searched.

The murder commission investigators had promised her a thorough, new search for Jörg Döhnert in the spring, but this didn't materialize.

The police declined to comment on the reasons, referring to the Regional Court of Bielefeld, where the trial is currently ongoing.

In der Firma des Unternehmers soll Reinhard M. den Unternehmer umgebracht haben. Versteckte er seine Leiche in den umliegenden Wäldern?

In the past few months, Rhea, the daughter, has walked through the fields and meadows herself to ensure that the investigators hadn't skipped anything during their search, but to no avail.

"Too Many Clues Point to the Suspect"

Today, she's forced to face the supposed murderer of her father in court: "I've read the investigation files numerous times. There are far too many indications that point to him being the perpetrator; this cannot be a mere coincidence," she claims.

Im Gerichtssaal kommen Tochter Rhea immer wieder die Tränen. Sie muss dem mutmaßlichen Killer ihres Vaters in die Augen schauen

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