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Cease weeping, leaders!

Rescuers from Friedrichskoog, Schleswig-Holstein, have admitted baby seal Bosse at the station. The distressed creature was discovered by beachgoers in St. Peter-Ording, Schleswig-Holstein. Seal hunter Armin Jeß subsequently came to its aid, escorting the animal to safety.

Bosse is the first howler at the Friedrichskoog seal sanctuary
Bosse is the first howler at the Friedrichskoog seal sanctuary

The first seal pup to be stranded in the North Sea has been spotted. - Cease weeping, leaders!

Offshore, eyes the size of saucers, and downy, fluffy coat - the first howler has arrived at the seal rehabilitation center!

Reports state that tiny Bosse is undoubtedly a preemie. Upon arrival, he boasted his long, white, downy fur (known as lanugo) and weighed a whopping 8.3 kilograms. Experts estimated he was no older than one to two days when discovered.

Howler's ordeal: canine encounter

Little Bosse has had a rough start in life - during the comprehensive exam at the seal refuge, staff found several canine-inflicted wounds. Currently, Bosse is being treated and nursed in the quarantine area to heal his injuries. It's still unclear when he'll be transferred to the normal upbringing section.

Walkers found the little seal on the beach in St. Peter-Ording

Howlers galore

The season for howlers in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park has just begun and will persist through August. Time and time again, stranded baby seals are found, reared in one of the two seal sanctuaries in Friedrichskoog or Norddeich (Lower Saxony), and eventually released back into the wild.

Should you happen upon an abandoned creature: Hands off, maintain your distance, and notify the authorities. Approximately 7000 seal babies come into existence in the German Wadden Sea annually, with hundreds ending up in the rescue stations.

The howlers are nursed at the seal sanctuary and later released back into the wild

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