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CDU's election battle involves a machete confrontation.

A week earlier, a violent street brawl involving several migrants sparked alarm. In that same location where a man boldly assaulted others with a machete in daytime, the CDU is currently pursuing potential voters.

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer on the Eisenbahnstraße in Leipzig on Saturday
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer on the Eisenbahnstraße in Leipzig on Saturday

After a street fight in Leipzig's Eisenbahnstraße, the Prime Minister expressed his thoughts. - CDU's election battle involves a machete confrontation.

Over the weekend, Saxony's party leader and Governor Michael Kretschmer (49 years old, CDU) made a trip to the infamous Eisenbahnstraße - the state's crime epicenter.

The Christian Democrats previously displayed 400 election posters in Arabic and Turkish throughout the district, but they were all ripped down.

Prime Minister initiates a dialogue with locals

Last Sunday, several men attacked each other in Leipzig, one with a machete

"I'm really eager to chat with the folks on Eisenbahnstraße, the merchants and business owners who call this place home, who run their operations here, but who also simply think Leipzig is a sick place," Kretschmer remarked on his way there.

In the "Brothers" restaurant, Kretschmer held a meeting with the owner and merchants from the street. He even removed his tie for some burgers and fries and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. "You've become an essential component of this community," said Kretschmer during lunch. Business owners, he believes, should also have a say in urban planning decisions.

Michael Kretschmer shaking hands on Leipzig's Eisenbahnstraße

Just 180 meters apart, a man unsheathed a machete

The Governor is adamant that order and safety are crucial to the people in the area. Yet, he was standing only 180 meters away from the spot where a mass brawl took place last Sunday and caused immense terror.

The CDU is actively campaigning there, in the heart of the crisis, for combating persistent crime - even in various languages. Election posters in Arabic and Turkish were also posted here, leading to a bitter debate online. Many criticized the party for their double standards, given the recent calls for a reformed migration policy nationwide.

Eisenbahnstraße, nevertheless, is known as a hub for foreigner crime. When offenses there skyrocketed in recent years, the city even declared the street to be Saxony's first and sole "weapons-free zone" in 2018, even though this had negligible impact.

On election posters, the CDU promised in Arabic:

Yet another street battle in the problem area

Last Sunday afternoon, several men began to fight in the middle of the street, with one of them drawing a machete. A video of this incident was shared numerous times on the internet. There was yet another altercation between numerous individuals in the area on Thursday night.

There are many migrant businesses on Eisenbahnstraße - unfortunately also many crimes

The FDP strongly urges the constitutional state to show strength and put a halt to the activities of certain parallel societies in Messestadt. The local elections will occur on June 9 parallel to the European Parliament elections.

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