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CDU Election Posters Use "Dare More Caliphate!" Slogan, Inciting State Security Response

The CDU in Leipzig suspects counterfeit campaign posters have linked them to Islamic fundamentalists. The posters, featuring slogans like "More Caliphate Dare!", allegedly target the CDU, and authorities are currently conducting an investigation.

A fake CDU election poster hanging on a pole in Leipzig
A fake CDU election poster hanging on a pole in Leipzig

Leipzig: - CDU Election Posters Use "Dare More Caliphate!" Slogan, Inciting State Security Response

Mysterious individuals have been distributing forged CDU campaign posters throughout Leipzig. The authorities have launched an inquiry, according to a police spokesperson who spoke to dpa upon request. The local CDU leader, Andreas Nowak, revealed that there are at least ten of these deceptive promotional materials circulating around the city. "However, there might be more out there," he admitted. These fakes bear a striking resemblance to genuine CDU posters from the current election campaign, with the phrase "Leipzig. Unsafe. Make." along with the slogan "Dare more caliphate!" printed on them.

Fake posters in further regions

Nowak spoke with disgust about the situation. "It's infuriating," he conveyed to dpa. "This places our party in the vicinity of Islamic extremism." He pointed out that the counterfeiters had gone to extraordinary lengths to replicate the authentic CDU posters, mirroring their appearance meticulously. He identified this as a copyright violation. If detected, a legal case will be filed against the culprits. Nowak also shared that these bogus posters were first uncovered on Saturday.

Based on his information, similar incidents have taken place in other regions of Saxony - specifically in Chemnitz and Zwickau. Nowak urged people to report any deceptive posters they spot in their vicinity. The Tag24 news outlet had previously reported on this issue.

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