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Cathy Hummels will not face any investigations.

A foolish slogan and much enthusiasm, yet it won't result in any legal ramifications for Cathy Hummels (36). Prosecutors won't be examining the situation as the broadcaster proclaimed "Everything for Germany".

The public prosecutor's office will not investigate Cathy Hummels
The public prosecutor's office will not investigate Cathy Hummels

"Post featuring all things related to Germany" - Cathy Hummels will not face any investigations.

Grotz continues, "Considering the swift removal of the tweet by its author, her subsequent statements, the nature of the post itself, and the individual character of the person involved, there was no substantial evidence suggesting a potential criminal misuse of symbols belonging to unconstitutional organizations. Therefore, there was no need to launch an investigation."

Björn Höcke's Plans to File Charges against Cathy Hummels

Thuringian AfD leader Björn Höcke (52) was fined €13,000 by the Halle district court for using the "Alles für Deutschland" slogan, which was an emblem of Hitler's SA (Sturmabteilung, or Storm Detachment). Höcke deliberately employed this banned phrase during a speech.

And Höcke turns his attention to Cathy Hummels: "Dear Ms. Hummels, unfortunately, I will have to report you to the public prosecutor Brenzler in Halle. This isn't because I hold any grudge against you, but to ridicule the ludicrous verdict against me even further," he said on a certain date.

Despite this, the AfD politician's efforts to file charges against Hummels will be futile. The public prosecutor's office had already started their own investigation before the filed complaint. And their findings? There is no criminal offence committed by Cathy Hummels.

Ahmed clarifies, "Ms. Hummels clearly separated herself from the formulation, which she had used in an entirely different context. Based on her own words, it seems that she was unaware that the proposition 'Alles für Deutschland' was associated with the Nazi SA."

Höcke wants to report the influencer for this post

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