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Caregiver faces knife-wielding man; Special Enforcement Team responds.

On Monday, a man with a perplexed expression initiated a SWAT operation. He menaced the caregiver of his wife with a blade.

Der Mann versuchte zu verhindern, dass die Betreuerin die Wohnung betritt (Symbolfoto)
Der Mann versuchte zu verhindern, dass die Betreuerin die Wohnung betritt (Symbolfoto)

In the region of Rhineland-Palatinate. - Caregiver faces knife-wielding man; Special Enforcement Team responds.

In the town of Alzey, located in the Alzey-Worms district of Rhineland-Palatinate, a woman notified authorities after she received threats from a man, presumably her partner, during her visit to Mehlbergweg. The elderly woman she was visiting, age 54, had allegedly brandished a knife, demanding she leave the premises.

Authorities rushed to the scene, encountering the man with a knife in hand who refused to let them into the apartment. "He opened the door, showed us the knife, denied us entry, and then closed the door behind him," explained a police spokesperson.

As it remained unclear whether the vulnerable 54-year-old was safe or in danger, special police units were called in to discreetly tackle the situation. Obtaining a court order, these special forces proceeded to raid the apartment in their protective gear. The offender was detained and sustained minor injuries during the operation. Fortunately, the 54-year-old woman had managed to escape harm and was returned to her caregiver's care.

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