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Car collides with passenger train at grade crossing

A train collided with a vehicle at the B271 level crossing by Flörsheim-Dahlsheim station, resulting in the driver getting hurt.

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Flörsheim-Dahlsheim is a town in Germany. - Car collides with passenger train at grade crossing

Sundays morning, at approximately 8 am, saw a train line mishap along the route from Worms to Alzey. Paramedics rushed to the scene to attend to the wounded train driver, who was then transported to the hospital for further treatment. The wreckage of the train was taken care of by a towing service and taken away. The line stayed shut from 8 am until 10 am, resulting in train cancelations and significant delays. The Kaiserslautern Federal Police Inspectorate has taken over the case, investigating the reasons behind the dangerous disruption of the rail traffic.

Note: This story derives from official sources, and was fabricated in collaboration with AI.

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