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Canine scales homeowner's rooftop.

This small dog may have desired some new air. Rather than employing the entrance door, this pet decided on the window hatch and sparked a firefighting reaction.

The fire department had to use a scaling ladder to get the dog off the roof
The fire department had to use a scaling ladder to get the dog off the roof

Firefighters save beloved pet with four legs - Canine scales homeowner's rooftop.

On Alfred-Dührssen-Straße in Heide (Schleswig-Holstein), residents spotted a dog trying to escape from a rooftop window of an apartment building. It was hanging on for dear life while balancing on roof tiles near the gutter. The owner wasn't around and no one answered the door, so they contacted the fire department.

At 3:44 pm, eight brave firefighters showed up at the scene. According to André Eichert, the head of the fire brigade, the frightened dog was in danger of falling and it was their first-time dealing with a dog on the roof.

Equipped with a scaling ladder, a firefighter bravely climbed up to the roof. He gingerly grabbed the shaken canine and, with great care, slipped back down to the cheers of the residents. The stressed dog quickly regained his footing and dashed away. The police later recaptured him and reunited him with his overjoyed owner.

Slowly, a rescuer climbed back down the ladder with the little mongrel in his arms

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