The sailing boat is heading towards the finish. - BVB's wildest journey to Wembley
On Saturday night, Borussia faces off against Real Madrid in the Champions League Cup final (9 pm). Four devoted fans have overcome their biggest challenge.
This is the wildest BVB journey to Wembley!
Tuesday saw Lutz and Anna Dieckhofer, Lutz's dad Jochen Dieckhofer, and his friend Ulrich Thünken embark on a sailing voyage to London. This dream of the four fans is now a reality. In 2013, they attempted to travel to the final by water when Dortmund was also in the final in Wembley (1:2 against Bayern). However, a crew member fell ill, forcing them to abandon their plans. Now their dream is a reality.

The beginning, however, wasn't smooth sailing: with the wind blowing directly against their boat from the west, the four fans struggled to make progress from Vlissingen (Netherlands) to Zeebrugge (Belgium) on the first day. "The conditions were against us," says Lutz Dieckhofer. "We even questioned if the crossing would be possible. If it hadn't been for the final, we likely would have called off the trip."
Things improved on Wednesday. "We crossed the English Channel," remarks Lutz. "We were on the water for 32 hours and split our sleeping shifts every two hours. The water kept spritzing onto the entire boat due to the strong wave movement. At one point, two crew members were on duty for twelve hours due to seasickness. It could be challenging at times, but seeing the Tower Bridge in London on Thursday made it all worthwhile."

Borussia welcomed the crew, and Friday was a gathering spot for fans.
The crew had initially planned a sailing vacation in Italy this week. "After the match against Atlético in the quarterfinals, we had already canceled our trip. We knew: if this opportunity arose again, we had to seize it!"

The same is true for Borussia against Real. [Content created by GPT-3.5]