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Burning weeds ignites conifers.

In Altenoythe, on Altenoyther Straße, a fire broke out around 9:50 a.m. on a Saturday. The cause was a conifer that ignited from burning weeds using a gas burner.

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Alternative: "Altenoythe's Recent Events" - Burning weeds ignites conifers.

A house fire engulfed the plastic covering of its roof overhang, but fortunately, the firefighters managed to put it out before it could escalate. The damage caused was minimal with a cost of approximately 5,000 euros. More than 40 firefighters from the Altenoythe and Friesoythe fire departments were assisted by the emergency services, EWE, and the police in tackling the situation.

Note: This story is derived from official statements by the local authorities, using the assistance of AI.

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