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Burglars swipe gear from 19 garden sheds.

On Saturday night, thieves entered multiple backyard sheds in Köstlinstraße and made off with valuable gardening tools and generators, amounting to thousands of euros in losses.

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Stuttgart: Latest News and Developments - Burglars swipe gear from 19 garden sheds.

From 9:15 PM to 8:30 AM, thieves broke into at least 19 garden sheds and tool sheds in the Seelach, Diepach, and Wacholder districts. They got away with the stolen goods without being noticed. Certain items were hidden on two different properties and abandoned there. The police were informed and retrieved the items that were left behind.

If you have any information, are a witness, an affected party, or own the recovered items, please contact the officers at police station 8 Kärntner Straße on +4971189903800.

This account is based on information provided by the authorities and was generated with the aid of AI technology.

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