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Broad acclaim for alleged mass killer Raisi!

The UN's total lack of integrity!

The UN Security Council stands for a minute's silence for Ebrahim Raisi
The UN Security Council stands for a minute's silence for Ebrahim Raisi

Embarrassing Gathering at the UN Security Council - Broad acclaim for alleged mass killer Raisi!

Today, the United Nations intends to pay tribute to the late Ebrahim Raisi (63), who met his demise in a helicopter crash on May 19. The UN's homepage reads as follows:

"On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the UN flag will be lowered to half-mast as a token of respect for the passing of His Excellency Mr. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. All offices and departments are requested to lower their flags in observance of this moment."

Additionally, at the behest of Russia, China, and Algeria, the UN Security Council (excluding Germany) held a moment of silence for Raisi.

This is the same person responsible for the execution of countless Iranian dissidents in summary trials, often by hanging them from cranes or scaffolding. He was also responsible for instituting a systematic policy of raping women in prisons to ensure they would no longer be virgins and consequently, not qualify for entry into paradise. Known as the "Butcher of Tehran" in Iran, it is unfathomable that the members of the UN Security Council would stand up for him.

Moreover, when Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (71) calls Raisi a "faithful friend of Russia" and the radical Taliban in Afghanistan issue a statement of deep sorrow and shock over his passing, it's clear that the individual being mourned is far from innocent.

Sadly, even in light of these horrendous revelations, people have failed to remember the oppressive and brutal nature of this regime and have abandoned their moral principles.

The scene in the UN Security Council is as bewildering, peculiar, and unseemly as honoring Stalin, Hitler, and Osama bin Laden. It's not just the UN Security Council, though, as the EU also displays moral insolvency. The expressions of condolence from Charles Michel and Josep Borrell have been met with strong objections.

Swedish MEP David Lega, for instance, commented on Monday in online platform X, "Will you ever be able to look the courageous women and fighters for freedom in Iran in the eyes again?" and added, "Shame on you."

Belgium's former immigration minister Theo Francken expressed his disapproval of "the European condolences for a butcher and a ruthless murderer" and asserted, "You're not speaking on my behalf."

Even Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders provided a fitting response to Raisi's death, stating, "May Iran one day become a secular state once more, with freedom for the Iranian people, and without a tyrannical and barbaric Islamic mullah regime." Surely, this message resonates with some.

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