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Brad Pitt's daughter Vivienne, aged 15, has decided to go by a different name.

Brad Pitt, a family man, may experience yet another blow as his relationship with his six kids seems to have deteriorated for quite some time now. Angelina Jolie, their mother, reportedly remains very close to the children. This factor may have influenced his youngest daughter Vivienne's (15)...

Ein Dreamteam – ohne Papa Brad Pitt: Tochter Vivienne (l.) und Angelina Jolie bei der Premiere des...
Ein Dreamteam – ohne Papa Brad Pitt: Tochter Vivienne (l.) und Angelina Jolie bei der Premiere des Musicals „The Outsiders“ am 11. April in New York

A guidebook hints at the secret. - Brad Pitt's daughter Vivienne, aged 15, has decided to go by a different name.

The teen is helping out Mama Angelina with the new Broadway musical "The Outsiders," which became available on April 11th. publications state that she'll now be known as "Vivienne Jolie" rather than her former double name Jolie-Pitt.

Angelina Jolie, who's also a producer for this production, has welcomed her daughter on board to assist. She spoke about her daughter to "Entertainment Tonight" last summer, saying, "She's putting in a lot of effort to excel." When it comes to theater, she's considerate and serious, determined to contribute effectively."

Working together on this project seems to be strengthening their bond. However, the program could be a source of pain for Brad Pitt, partly because Zahara, Vivienne's older sibling (19), has started appearing in public without using her father's name.

In November last year, Zahara, at her college, identified herself as a new member of the sorority "Alpha Kappa Alpha" and dropped her second famous father's name.

Brad Pitt isn't having troubles with all his children. According to sources, Shiloh is eager to live with him as of her 18th birthday on May 27th. Despite Angelina's assertions in a court fight over their Jolie-Pitt estate, Château Miraval (France), that her ex physically harmed her.

Schauspieler Brad Pitt war zwölf Jahre mit Angelina Jolie zusammen, hat mit ihr sechs Kinder

Presently, Shiloh resides with her mother in a house in Los Angeles. Brad Pitt, on the other hand, resides in a house worth $8.3 million in the Los Feliz district nearby.

It's uncertain if the name change of the youngsters is official or merely temporary.

One more possible scenario: Maybe Vivienne and Zahara abbreviated their double names for simplicity.

Ein Traumpaar, dessen Ehe in einen Rosenkrieg mündete: Angelina Jolie und Brad Pitt lieferten sich seit ihrer Trennung 2016 schon zahlreiche Rechtsstreite, unter anderem um Anteile an ihrem gemeinsamen Weingut und das Sorgerecht für ihre Kinder
Angelina Jolie (3.v. l.) mit ihren Kindern Shiloh, Zahara, Vivienne, Maddox und Knox (v. l.) im Oktober 2021 bei einer Filmpremiere in London

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