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Borussia boss Rainer Bonhof cannot be satisfied with the season
Borussia boss Rainer Bonhof cannot be satisfied with the season

Commendation for past transactions; however... - Boss Bonhof exerts influence on Virkus.

Gladbach is grappling with the aftermath of a disastrous season, their worst in 15 years. Coach Roland Virkus (57), sports director Nils Schmadtke (35), and head coach Gerardo Seoane (45) are now aiming to uncover the root cause of their misfortunes during an extensive evaluation.

The head honcho states, "I expect a thorough analysis of the previous season, but also pragmatic remedies. We'll delve into each aspect behind closed doors."

It's apparent that Borussia continues to emphasize integrating youth players into their squad. During the Bundesliga's latest season, only Frankfurt had more youth professionals under 21 than Borussia (7).

"Borussia's approach is the correct one"

Bonhof emphasizes, "Last year and a half, we argued that we're embarking on the right track, the Borussia path. Although it may not be the easiest or most convenient road, it is the right one."

Interestingly, manager Virkus is commended by the club boss for his transfer decisions made in the past year.

Bonhof adds, "If you examine the players Roland Virkus has signed over the past year, you'll notice that it's pretty impressive: Franck Honorat and Robin Hack are excellent additions who have demonstrated their abilities under Gerardo Seoane. Unfortunately, Tomas Cvancara has yet to fully recover due to injuries. We're eagerly anticipating his contributions in the upcoming season. The loan signings of Max Wöber and Jordan have also aided us considerably."

Despite this praise, Bonhof is also imploring Virkus to keep the momentum going.

"In general, these were good acquisitions and significant enhancements to the team. This summer, we need to persist and pursue further talents, such as Fabio Chiarodia, Lukas Ullrich, and Grant-Leon Ranos, who hold promise for our mid-term future. There could also be a few other players who might come as a surprise today."

App users can access the Gladbach review here.

(Cover Photo: McKinley Gerringer / IMAGO)

App users can access the Gladbach survey here.

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