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Boldt steals the show at HSV with burgers and free drinks

After parting ways with HSV, Jonas Boldt (42) reached out via Instagram. The recently let go sports director offered amicable farewell sentiments.

Released by the HSV supervisory board on Tuesday after five years as sports director: Jonas Boldt
Released by the HSV supervisory board on Tuesday after five years as sports director: Jonas Boldt

This text exudes elegance! - Boldt steals the show at HSV with burgers and free drinks

He describe his time at the club as "five very intense and enjoyable years" and reminded the team, "Take pride in this team spirit, take pride in the diamond - even if the wind blows in your face again and maybe even stronger. Get up, keep moving, never give up."

Boldt expressed gratitude for the relationships, camaraderie, and numerous dedicated people he encountered, whether at the office, among fans and partners, or among companions.

He admitted, "What we still didn't achieve is promotion. I'm extremely disappointed because the club and, most importantly, the people who work tirelessly for it, support it in various ways, and live it deserve it."

He bid farewell, stating, "Thus, I'm not only a member for life, but I'll always remain connected to HSV and wish it well in the future. HSV - no club will ever be like this!"

The walkout on Wednesday afternoon was done with a flair. The former leader provided the employees of the second division team with burgers and free beer.

Many employees had petitioned for Boldt to stay until the end. He has now been released from his duties until the end of his contract in the summer of 2025. If he finds a new job, he can break free from his HSV contract.

Boldt has an apartment in Düsseldorf. However, he plans to remain in Hamburg for the time being and attend various sporting events, including:- UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany (June 14th - July 14th)- The Olympic Games in Paris (July 26 - August 11)- Copa America (June 20th - July 14th)- Potential NHL Finals with Draisaitl's club, the Edmonton Oilers.

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