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Bogus cops con margins out of motorist (44)

On the morning of May 14th, 2024, a 44-year-old driver was robbed of money by two unidentified individuals who pretended to be undercover cops and simulated a traffic stop.

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Hanover-based business notifications concern - Bogus cops con margins out of motorist (44)

A man was targeted by fraudsters while loading his car on Ikarusallee, Hanover, at around 11:45 a.m. A black Skoda pulled up and two men, claiming to be police officers, approached him. As part of a ruse, one of the men asked the 44-year-old victim to show his wallet. The stranger then grabbed cash from the wallet and sped away in the Skoda, heading in an unclear direction.

The first suspect is thought to be aged between 35 and 40, standing around 1.70 meters tall, slim, and with dark hair. He was wearing dark clothes and a baseball cap during the robbery. The second man is also believed to be between 35 and 40, with a stocky build, dressed in dark clothes, and sporting a three-day beard. Their car of choice is a newer black Skoda station wagon bearing a German license plate.

Anyone with information on the culprits or who has also experienced a similar deception is encouraged to contact the Hanover police station at 0511 109-2717.

If you ever find yourself in a situation like this and are unsure, dial 110 for emergency services. If you have any concerns about the validity of the alleged officer's identity, request to see their badge and other identifying documents.

This text is derived from official information released by the authorities with the assistance of AI.

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