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BMW Sneaks a Peek at the School Restroom

Someone is peering through the window.

Der BMW durchbrach das Fenster zur Toilette der Grundschule, kam dort zum Stehen
Der BMW durchbrach das Fenster zur Toilette der Grundschule, kam dort zum Stehen

Elementary school in Dresden hit by car collision - BMW Sneaks a Peek at the School Restroom

In the afternoon of Tuesday, at approximately 3:19 PM, a BMW swerved off the road mysteriously in the Seevorstadt region of Dresden. It struck a fence, proceeded through a hedge, and eventually lodged in a bathroom window of the 16th Josephine School's restroom.

The local fire department reported that the car was about a meter inside the bathroom window. Inside the BMW were two female passengers (aged 22 and 33), and a three-month-old baby. All individuals sustained minor injuries and were rushed to the hospital for medical attention.

Luckily, there were no students or teachers present in the restroom when the incident occurred. The kindergarten was still able to operate without disruptions following the accident.

The police are currently probing the reasons behind the crash. Additionally, a structural engineer has been called in to evaluate any damages to the school building.

Aus noch ungeklärter Ursache verlor die Fahrerin die Kontrolle über das Auto und krachte in das Gebäude

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