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Block, heiress to a steakhouse fortune, remains unaware of her kids' whereabouts.

Christina Block, the steakhouse heiress, last heard from her son Theodor (10) on January 5. In the 128 days since then, she hasn't had any contact with him or his sister Klara (13). The two children reside with their father. On Mother's Day, Block recalls her son telling her "Mom, I call you...

Christina Block (51) has had no contact with her children Theodor and Klara for more than four...
Christina Block (51) has had no contact with her children Theodor and Klara for more than four months

Disappointing Mom's Celebration - Block, heiress to a steakhouse fortune, remains unaware of her kids' whereabouts.

On the 5th of January, in Hamburg, the kids created a snowman in the garden of the Block Villa as they played and laughed with their mother. Christina Block was convinced that everything would be alright now.

Klara and Theodor spent 855 days with their ex-husband Stephan Hensel in Denmark. He lives there with his new wife and their daughter Johanna (17), whom he shares with Block. Greta (15) is with her mother in Hamburg. The parents are arguing about Theodor and Klara.

Flashback: It's August 29, 2021, 4:44pm. Hensel sends an email to Christina Block: "Given the circumstances and until the matter is resolved, I'm keeping the children with me." Hensel then accuses the businesswoman of "violence in the maternal household".

The Hamburg Higher Regional Court examined the situation and, two months later, awarded Christina Block sole right of residence. However, Hensel still didn't return the children.

Returning to that festive day on the 5th of January: Suddenly, multiple cars appeared, filled with lawyers. A new court order: the children had to be handed back to their father instantly! The judges now consider this as "the best interests of the children" at present. Because the kids have been staying with their father for two and a half years. Also because they were reportedly taken away from their environment under extremely stressful circumstances.

What exactly happened? On New Year's Eve, eight men supposedly attacked Hensel in Denmark, put Klara and Theodor in a vehicle, and transported them back to Hamburg.


On January 2, Christina Block admitted: "Yes, the children are with me. On January 5, she hunted for the S-Class convertible that was transporting her kids back to Denmark. When it suddenly vanished, she crumbled.

Since then, she's been unsure about the whereabouts of her children, their well-being, and if they're attending school.

Christina Block can now revisit Denmark. The international arrest warrant that the Scandinavians had issued against her due to the children's return has been dropped.

But where is she meant to start looking? Ex-husband Hensel and his new wife long ago abandoned their home in Gravenstein near the Danish border. Their present location is secret.

Christina Block's optimism: there's a custody dispute hearing scheduled in Denmark towards the end of May. For the first time, a child psychologist's report will be required in the neighboring country, and experts will be granted an opportunity to speak to the children. The children's attorneys and experts commissioned by the Hamburg court weren't allowed access to the kids by the father.

January 6, 2024: Escorted by a policeman, father Stephan Hensel and the children Johanna, Klara and Theodor leave the house in Gravenstein, Denmark

A close relative of the family says: "The children had their lives taken away from them three years ago. Family, friends, classmates - they're not allowed to make contact with them anymore, the father forbids it."

"Our lives, of course, are far from ordinary"

To endure this turmoil, Christina Block receives support from her partner, TV legend Gerhard Delling (65). He describes her as "invaluable and a person with honest character." Their life may not be completely ordinary, but Delling firmly states, "In our situation, we have an obligation to live lightheartedly and not let issues overrun us."

Delling has three daughters from previous relationships, and Luisa, the middle one, shares her birthday with him on April 21. Delling muses, "We've always celebrated our birthdays together." A joyous father-daughter day.

Sadly, Mother's Day for Christina Block is filled with sorrow. How does she mark this day?

Christina Block with the love of her life, Gerhard Delling

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