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Blaze put out at Borbeck secondary school.

Late on Saturday, May 18, 2024, there was a fire at the Borbeck grammar school on Prinzenstraße, according to multiple calls made to the Essen fire department control center. It happened around 10:00 PM.

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Bergeborbeck in Essen: A City District - Blaze put out at Borbeck secondary school.

When initial emergency crews arrived, they became aware of a more serious situation due to additional calls. Another fire engine was dispatched to the scene. Upon their arrival, firefighters discovered a cover area engulfed in flames and heavy smoke. In response, the fire department quickly launched three nozzles to put out the blaze that had spread to the ceiling cladding. Thermal imaging cameras were employed to locate any hidden flaming embers. To complete the extinguishing process, some more ceiling cladding had to be taken out. The building was examined from the inside, but aside from a minor smoke residue, no other flames were found.

Luckily, no one was hurt during this whole ordeal. Staff from the school were present during the operation, witnessing the damage caused. The Essen fire department called in firefighters from Borbeck, Altenessen, Hafen, and Mitte stations, as well as the Borbeck volunteer fire department to aid in the situation. The source of the fire is currently under investigation by the police.

(This text is derived from official information provided by the authorities and collaborated with the aid of AI.)

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