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Bezos' new love haven readies for 175 million dollar grand opening

Notability of buying a mega villa with tropical pools and tennis courts featuring basketball hoops is claimed by the renowned online retail giant's owner - Jeff Bezos (60). Amazon mogul enjoys such luxurious facilities. Who has already pitched umbrellas? It is the same person - Jeff Bezos.

Die Pool-Saison ist eröffnet! Auf mehreren Terrassen sind die Sonnenschirme schon gespannt, und...
Die Pool-Saison ist eröffnet! Auf mehreren Terrassen sind die Sonnenschirme schon gespannt, und die Anlage von Jeff Bezos ist bereit für eine spritzige Einweihungsparty

Sunshades have been deployed. - Bezos' new love haven readies for 175 million dollar grand opening

Four years of hard work have finally paid off for the wealthy American entrepreneur, as he's now able to enjoy his newly completed $175 million villa in Beverly Hills. Perfect for him and his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, this luxurious abode has everything one might dream of.

The main structure boasts a reef-style pool and generous tennis courts outdoors. Recently, drone footage showcased the latest upgrades, such as personal tennis courts fitted with basketball hoops and intricately designed pools styled for a tropical vibe. And that's not all - what was once in the works is now a dream come true!

Luftaufnahme des Bezos-Anwesens. In dem hellen und luxuriösen Haus mit allem Zick und Zack lässt sich’s aushalten

However, even the wealthy must follow the rules, resulting in a brief halt on construction in April 2023 after Bezos failed to submit a permit for a new fence. Despite this minor setback, extensions were granted for the property and a new toilet facility. But the biggest hiccup was the implementation of a garden fence (for protection against wild animals) with lights, which turned into a dramatic situation.

So sah es noch vor wenigen Monaten auf der Baustelle von Bezos aus

Bezos, whose net worth surpasses $195 billion, bought the 40,000-sqm property back in 2020 - it used to belong to Jack Warner, former president of "Warner Bros.". Here, you'll find a main three-story building, a guest house, fitness studio, multiple covered terraces, and a guard house. The house features 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and first became available for sale in 2018 at a cost of $5.45 million.

Das ist nicht nur ein Tennisplatz, sondern ein Multifunktionsplatz. Auch Basketball, Fußball und Handball kann dort gespielt werden

Since then, this advancement has undergone a total revamp and refurbish by a designer team who also revived Justin Bieber's home in Beverly Hills and increased the value of the property.

Mögen es edel, sehr edel: Amzon-Chef Jeff Bezos und seine große Liebe, Lauren Sanchez

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