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" Berlin Protest Features "Caliphate Now" Slogan"

Israel opponents organize spur-of-the-moment protest and riot in Berlin; police respond with substantial force at two sites.

Die Polizei war mit einem Großaufgebot vor Ort
Die Polizei war mit einem Großaufgebot vor Ort

Hatred reemerges. - " Berlin Protest Features "Caliphate Now" Slogan"

Late at night, approximately 100 Palestinians gathered at the Fountain of Friendship in Alexanderplatz, protesting against Israeli attacks on Rafah. No mention of the rocket alert in the Greater Tel Aviv region only a short while earlier! The Israeli army reported that at least eight rockets had crossed the border, fired by Hamas jihadists from Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

Here's a close-up of the scene at Alexanderplatz. A guy from the crowd yelled, "It's time for the Caliphate!" Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, took offense.

Two task forces were present, one from Brandenburg. After about ninety minutes, the protest ended on its own. Other hateful chants were not reported. It's unclear if the police filed any complaints.

Die Teilnehmer der Spontan-Demo am Alexanderplatz

Trash cans were set ablaze in Neukölln

Shortly after 1:40 a.m., a pro-Palestinian demonstration commenced at Sonnenallee/Reuterstraße.

Die Polizei war mit einem Großaufgebot vor Ort

The protesters set trash bins on fire at a crossroads, and the police arrived promptly, putting out the flames with fire trucks.

Several individuals were briefly detained. The police questioned the suspects and submitted charges. A law enforcement team patrolled Sonnenallee and the surrounding streets until morning.

Die Randalierer zündeten Müll-Container an

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